Sleep Problems
Sleep difficulties can manifest in various forms, including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early. It’s crucial to rule out sleep apnea as a potential cause. Often sleep problems do arise when we are stuck in high energy levels of fight or flight. As a result, our ability to transition into resting states is blocked. Through hypnosis, mindfulness, and Somatic Experiencing, you can learn to navigate the natural waves of activation your body goes through and address the root cause of your sleep issues.
Even though sleep hygiene alone often does not resolve long-term sleep problems, in conjunction with other strategies, it can be very effective to change sleep habits. With cognitive-behavioral strategies, we can help you conquer unhelpful beliefs around sleep and decondition learned responses. We will work together to tap into your innate ability to self-regulate, reduce anxiety around sleep, and manage daytime stresses. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and welcome restful, rejuvenating sleep with this evidence-based treatment approach.
Listen to this Progressive Muscle Relaxation to help you fall (back) asleep: