How does Hypnosis Work?
Our subconscious controls over 90 per cent of our daily actions, and so the fact that hypnotherapy targets your subconscious means a completely new dimension of possibilities could open up for you. Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation in which one can get in touch with a person’s subconscious to teach it healthier beliefs and behaviors. You can also learn how to apply self-hypnosis and its independent exertion. Through self-hypnosis, you have the ability to relax whenever needed, as well as to conduct targeted hypnosis in aid of the particular goal you want to achieve. Learn more here.
What is Somatic Experiencing?
In my practice I use Somatic Experiencing (SE) in conjunction with hypnosis and other modalities. SE is a type of therapy that focuses on the body’s physical sensations and responses to traumatic events or chronic stress. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, SE aims to release the energy that gets trapped in the body during stressful or traumatic experiences, which can lead to physical and emotional symptoms.
Through SE, clients learn to tune into their bodily sensations, such as tension, pain, and discomfort, and learn to regulate their nervous system response. By doing so, clients can release the trapped energy, alleviate symptoms of anxiety and trauma, and improve their overall well-being.
SE may involve a variety of techniques, including gentle movement, breathwork, and mindful awareness of bodily sensations. It is well suited to be used in conjunction with hypnotherapy, to provide a comprehensive approach to healing trauma and stress-related issues.
Can we meet for sessions online?
Online therapy is a convenient, safe, and effective therapy. Hypnosis can be done as well in-person as online, and all you need is a device with internet, a video camera, and a microphone. Ideally, you will have your computer set up so I can see your face and upper body in a room that you are unlikely to be disturbed in.
How many sessions do I need?
Many clients feel better after their first session already and need several to reach their final goal. Nonetheless, the amount of sessions needed to treat an issue depends on many factors, and it is impossible to estimate how many sessions will be needed beforehand. Especially with clients who had trauma, it can even be counterproductive to rush therapy. Here are a few factors that influence the progressing of therapy:
- How specific is the problem? Is there a common factor in the issues you experience, and how wide-reaching are they? A specific phobia, for example (fear of spiders), takes between 3-5 sessions.
- Your readiness for change: How motivated are you to change?
- When hypnosis is used, hypnotizability is a factor. I make use of many treatment modalities to use the ones that work best for you.
Am I hypnotizable?
Almost everyone is hypnotizable, but some easier than others and surely not without the will to do it. Actually, in the course of the whole hypnotherapy session, your willpower will be as active as usual. There are different depths of relaxation and hypnosis. There are many ways of going into hypnosis; some might work better for you than others. Many people find that the more often they experience hypnosis, the easier and deeper they go into a hypnotic state.
Is there any danger of losing control during hypnosis?
One of the many misconceptions I find myself confronted within my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist is that when you are in a trance, you give up control and surrender to any input from your hypnotist. Even though your conscious brain activity is reduced while in a trance, you will still be protected from any harm that could come to you; you are safeguarded by one of the strongest forces that your subconscious possesses: the ability to defend and protect yourself. Hypnotherapy is a way for you to regain control over your life. It helps you to identify and change any dysfunctional beliefs and habits. The therapist is merely a navigator, and you decide which route you want to take. Ultimately it is up to you to put the learning into action. The therapist’s part is to facilitate this journey and make it easier.
Is hypnosis similar to the hypnosis in some shows on stage or TV?
Many misconceptions about hypnosis are created through media and performances of show hypnotists. So-called ‘show hypnosis’ is a widely disputed subject and the special context of these performances makes them very different from the way hypnosis is used in therapy. It is not in my interest to make you cluck like a chicken, nor can I make you do something you don’t want to.
Not every time a Show-hypnotist claims that hypnosis is used is that actually the case. Sometimes we merely witness the effects of magic tricks. Nonetheless, stage shows work for several reasons:
In or before performances, the audience is often tested for their suggestibility, and the most suggestible audience members are chosen to be participants. Nobody wants to be the killjoy, so there is a certain pressure to comply. When hypnosis is used in shows, inhibitions are reduced because it creates feelings of relaxation and safety. Another possible factor is that acting out can be loads of fun. So hypnotized participants might decide to play along and act in silly ways. Later they can choose to deny responsibility for their actions by saying that it was the hypnotist who made them do it.[/vc_column_text][/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”Confidentiality” id=”sc_accordion_item_1565391972131_8″][vc_column_text]In my work, a trusting relationship with my patients is essential. During my education as a hypnotherapist, I swore an oath that neither the patient’s identity nor anything a patient confides to me would be revealed to a third party without the patient’s consent. Honesty and authenticity is a building stone for the foundation of trust between therapist and patient, and essential for providing a safe environment and successful therapy. Exceptions to confidentiality apply when someone’s life is in danger, or there is (good reason for suspected) abuse of minors or the elderly.
Identifying and personal information is kept strictly confidential. As part of ensuring I am working safely and ethically with my clients, I undergo regular supervision in which cases are discussed with other professionals. In those instances, I keep identifying information to a minimum. Although unlikely to happen, in the following cases it might be necessary to break confidentiality:
- If a person is a danger to themselves or others
- In the case that there is (or good reason to suspect) abuse of children, vulnerable adults, or the elderly
- If ordered by a court
How long is a session and how much does it cost?
A session is 60-70 minutes long and the session fee is 120 USD. At this time it isn’t possible to use insurance and all sessions are paid out-of-pocket.
To make sure we are a good fit, we’ll start out with a free 30-minute online consult. Book your initial free consult here!
How do I schedule a session?
Making an appointment is easy:
Please send me a message by clicking here and let me know your preferred dates and times. You can also request an appointment in my online calendar, and I will get back to you confirming your booking or suggesting an alternative date.
What can I expect when I come to see you?
If you saw me for a 30-minute video consult our first session is 60 minutes long. Otherwise the first session will be 90 minutes. We will use the beginning of your first session to get a good picture of your goals and discuss any questions and concerns you might have. In the second part of the session we will often do an exercise or hypnosis.
Subsequent sessions are 60-70 minutes long and will build on the goals we discussed in the previous session. If applicable, practicing new tools and experiences you had in between sessions will be discussed. We proceed to therapy on the issue at hand or work on something else if you feel priorities have shifted. The amount of sessions needed to treat an issue depends on different factors.
I know someone who needs hypnotherapy. Can I make an appointment for them?
Unless a potential client of mine is under age or somehow impaired to make an appointment themselves, it is my policy not to accept bookings made by anyone else than the client. This is to make sure the person coming to see me is motivated enough for therapy and to avoid no-shows.
I am already seeing a counselor on a regular basis. Can I additionally see you for hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is an excellent adjunct to many other therapies like psychotherapy, physical therapy, acupuncture, and traditional medicine. Hypnosis can even be used to enhance the effects that you are getting from these therapies.
I recommend discussing your wish to see a hypnotherapist with your counselor before coming to see me. With regular counseling in place, it can help to focus on specific issues or symptoms that might be outside of your counselor’s expertise.
Cancellation Policy
Please give notice of cancellation at least 24 hours before the scheduled time and date. If you experience any cold-like symptoms you may cancel an in-person appointment any time until the appointment free of charge. Cornelia Taubmann at Clinical Hypnosis Portland reserves the right to charge 50% of the session fee for all other cancellations less than 24hrs prior to the scheduled appointment and 100% for no-shows.